


We’re upping a “g” almost every two years and upping bandwidth at an exponential rate. With “10g” on our phones, we’ll look back at 2020 and laugh about how slow the internet was and how Zoom calls were so low quality and how you actually had to “sign up” for bandwidth as opposed to it being a natural right, an important commodity of the air itself.

My children will laugh at me when I’m nostalgic for the days when it wasn’t so easy to go into a complete virtual reality with millions of pixels every centimeter. Once you are transported in it it will feel as real to you or more as any other reality.

With 100GB/ps we’ll be able to not only work remotely but work remotely in the same office.

I can “VR-port” into work, go into my office, see my coworkers, go to meetings, all without leaving my home. Haptic sensors will not only make me feel everything I touch in Microsoft VROffice Suite but also massage my muscles so they don’t atrophy in case I do overtime.

In the future we will always need increased bandwidth due to the following

  • AI needs worldwide data inputs
  • Need for better AR resolution so that pictures are better than reality
  • Personal database of information and knowledge for a particular individual
  • More adoption of the internet as first-choice
  • Expanding quality of video and digital artifacts
  • More end points connected to the internet


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