PART 1: Everyone is worried about hyperinflation.

“The Fed isn’t a printing press!” irate home economists screech into the Twitter void.

Unfortunately the value of a currency is based not on just supply but also on demand. The demand for the dollar is too high. Everyone in the world wants out of theirs and into ours.

The Federal Reserve right now is scared to death of DEFLATION. They would kill for some inflation right now. So they print more and more money.

PART II: The Great Secession

The Blues don’t like the Reds. They think they are fascists. And the Reds also, coincidentally, think the Blues are fascists.

In 2020, there are three electric grids in the United States: East, West, and Texas. Texas secedes first.

The Army refuses to get involved. Other states begin to secede. And soon all of the states secede in one giant Secession Convention held on Zoom.

Each state works out trade agreements with the other states, in an EU like fashion. Washington D.C. is kept on life support but with only the Departments of State, Treasury, and Defense.

A rotating group of governors or lieutenant governors are in charge of each department. Allocations are decided by representatives from each state who will occasionally meet via Zoom. Capital Hill is turned into a museum to attract declining tourism.

PART III: The Blue states do aggressive crypto-contact-tracing. 

Crypto to track everyone with coronavirus and those they go near. And the more you use it, the more “tracing crypto” you mine, which the governments of the Blue states translate into Blue Dollars.

But then the executives of the Blue states realize it’s not enough to contact trace but also compliance trace.

You have to make sure they are using their masks. You have to make sure they are washing their hands. Or quarantining when sick or blood sugar spikes for the diabetics, or older people keep more socially distanced.

But then it’s best for society if compliance also includes any hate speech, or maybe hate thoughts, or being around people who may have been around people who didn’t think the right thoughts. “You have to keep with the times,” the media will cry.

More and more people are Social Justice Mining and the governments of the Blue states need to borrow money from the Red states to fend off hyperinflation.

The Red state bankers are getting tons of fees putting together the bonds for the Blue states under the premise that these contained the densest, most successful cities and were not liable to default.

But the Red state bankers will get too greedy, the terms too egregious, the Blue states too desperate for money and each individual state’s currency starts to devalue, leading to a currency crisis.

And since Blue Dollars and Red Dollars are mostly tied to the old U.S. dollar, the dollar starts to crash vis-a-vis the euro. The Red state banks collapse because of all the debt the Blue states owe them and the Red state currency collapses, triggering a Blue state collapse as well.

As a last resort, the people decide that the incentive crypto dollars they had been using (e.g. NYCBucks mentioned above) will be the currency for all of the states.

The dominoes fall on every major fiat currency around the world and they all switch to a fork of USBucks called EarthBucks. EarthBucks and USBucks usually trade at 1:1.

The domination of crypto will be complete.


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